About Us

Land - We are ready to help you in real estate and forestry!

Roger Ware (cell) 803-517-8060                                             Mike Ware (cell) 803-230-1197

Buying land is an excellent way to diversify your long-term investments.  Self-directed IRAs allow individuals to buy real estate with their retirement funds.  Pension funds own most of the former timber industry holdings in the United States.  

When you have a piece of land, you can grow things and make memories with your friends and family. 

Roger Ware is a licensed Broker in Charge in both Carolinas.  Mike Ware is a licensed Realtor in South Carolina.  We specialize in land for your future home, recreational use or investment goals. 


Roger Ware is a Registered Forester in both Carolinas.  Mike Ware is a Registered Forester in South Carolina.  He understands that landowner goals affect most forestry decisions.  Family Recreation goals may differ from Financial Goals.  Leaving a forest legacy is more important to most landowners.

Most landowners sell timber only once or twice in a lifetime.  Our experience at Ware Land & Timber  assures fair market price for your timber.  Proper insurance, payment procedures, security and performance bonds assures better harvesting and protection of your land.

Ware Land & Timber, LLC specializes in Forestry and Land Sales.  We can get your trees or land sold, and we can help you find land that meets your goals.

Wm Roger Ware & Michael Ware
Ware Land & Timber, LLC
Wm Roger Ph: (803) 366-1961Michael Ph:803-230-1197Fax:803-366-1983
1036 Deas St
Rock Hill, SC 29732 US
Licensed Real Estate Broker 45266